Voluntary Benefits, Lifestyle Benefits, Medical Discounts and Insurance.

PHC Insurance is a dedicated insurance agency focused on helping carriers, sponsors, and policy holders secure the best benefits.

Lifestyle Benefits

Voluntary Benefits

Health & Wellness

Medical Discounts

Enrollment Platform

Employee Perks

A New Approach

PHC Insurance is changing how we think of benefits by going beyond traditional employee benefits and individual insurance options.

Digital Solutions

PHC empowers a wide range of digital enrollment and member management solutions ranging from business process outsourcing to payment processing.

Individual Choice

We work with a wide variety of insurance carriers, benefit providers, and medical discount groups to empower consumer choice, control, and convenience.

Mobile Enrollment

We go beyond traditional enrollment day sales to create new opportunities to enroll a wider variety of policy holders, year round, from any device, wherever they are.

A Partnership You Can Trust

Get In Touch

PHC Insurance is not your traditional agency. Our solutions are changing insurance and defining a new customer acquisition and member management paradigm.